Efemérides de Hoy 07-10-16

1974, Bueno Aires, Argentina --- President Juan Peron delivers a speech. Following the re-election of Juan Peron for the third time in October 1973, the new Peron era was disrupted by conflict between his leftwing and rightwing factions at the start of 1974. As Peron veered to the right, civil unrest became rife and the government was forced to promulgate emergency decrees to restore public order. --- Image by © Diego Goldberg/Sygma/Corbis

Batalla de Lepanto.
Muere Edgar Allan Poe.
El Dr. Adolfo Alsina y el Gral. Bartolomé Mitre, adversarios políticos, se abrazan públicamete en la Plaza de Mayo.
Nace Niels Bohr, físico y Premio Nobel, expandió la física cuántica.
Nace Juan Domingo Perón (según acta de nacimiento nació el 8/10).

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